Monday, March 22, 2010

The Republicans Are Morons

They really are morons if they think Americans don't want decent health care insurance. Their big plan now is to repeal the health care reform legislation we just got. To replace it with what? They want to go back to pre-existing conditions exclusions, unregulated increases to premiums, and people dying early because they can't get coverage.

That doesn't sound like a winning argument to me: "We want you to die." But, hey, good luck with that!

What they should've done all along was play nice, get in there and contribute to making a bipartisan bill that would be good for all Americans. You'd think that's what they were elected for, to contribute to the well-being of the country. It doesn't seem right to me that someone would want to serve in government just to lie and block and obstruct everything.

It seems really bizarre to me that the Republicans shed so many tears over the baby who doesn't get born, then don't give a second thought to all the babies in the country after they are born. They tried to pull the wool over our eyes a few years ago that they were "compassionate conservatives." I didn't fall for that line of BS for a second, but I know several did. As far as I'm concerned, they're wolves in wolves' clothing.

So they've spent the day today lambasting the progress that President Obama and the Congress gave us last night, instead of getting on board and looking for common ground and progress. Morons.