Friday, March 12, 2010

The Contentment

I'm in the contentment zone, with a nice bagel and a few drinks, milk, grape juice, and coffee.

I felt myself drifting a little bit into a reverie while reading some comments at Daily Kos. I look through some of the diaries but usually avoid the comments. But with the contentment, I drifted down lazily into the comments. That's a nice feeling, a kind of foggy feeling, allowing me to take those moments to read a few comments slowly.

Then -- I wasn't exactly awakened from the foggy feeling but I started processing the debate that takes place in comments, those who are offended then realize that the diarist's comments were "snark." I'm not going to get involved. So, like I said, I wasn't exactly awakened, but I became more conscious of what I was doing.

Meaning there's no place like home. Close that out and do this. Think about and note my reverie, in part induced through this morsel of food and these drinks ... also a fun size Reese's peanut butter cup.