Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Black Oak Arkansas

I had a sudden flash of a memory today, out of the blue, that the rock group Black Oak Arkansas gave away deeds to a square inch of land in Arkansas a long time ago.

Whether I ever owned one of these deeds, I don't have 100% recall. I know I've had their albums over the years, even though I wasn't such a huge fan. I liked some things, like whatever they played on the radio.

I looked it up on the internet and sure enough, others remember this. The way I remember it was with all the musing about what you are supposed to do with one square inch of land and whether anyone actually ever showed up to check out their property. Probably someone.

It's fascinating in the same way that you can name stars after yourself or others for a fee. Except with the land, you really could go there, especially if your square inch is near a border with public access. I could just lay there and look at my land, maybe dig in it and see if any worms are trespassing, or, to be nice about it, legitimately tending the soil for me.