Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's April 15!

April 15 is a day I hate to see roll around. But usually it's because I'm busily trying to get my taxes done. Although I don't usually wait till the actual 15th.

This year I tackled the situation on April 10, last Friday. Mine are simple enough that it only took me the morning. But I take a little longer because I double- and triple-check everything. I don't trust myself on simple arithmetic.

And it's always a great feeling to put it all away, take the envelopes to the post office, and be done with it.

I see some right wing wackos are out protesting today about taxes being too high. Hmm, they went down, as I recall. I wonder if they used any public services on their way to the protest. I wonder if there's any security there. I wonder if their kids are in school. Oh, that's right! They want it to be like in the Bush years: Just charge all that with deficit spending and let future generations worry about the bill!