Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lady Gaga's CD

I love Lady Gaga's CD, "The Fame." I've had it for around three weeks. At first I was just listening to bits of it on my Ipod at the exercise place. My headphones are not the greatest. It's hard to hear things beyond a tinny and superficial way. So I wasn't getting into the CD.

But the last couple days, I put the actual CD on, and while I've been working on other projects, I just let it play. I've listened to it six or seven times and love it. I'm definitely getting familiar with the songs beyond just the two (so far) hits.

The two big hits (so far) are "Just Dance" and "Poker Face." For these two, I have heard them on the radio. But I don't listen to the radio so much that I get sick of things. They are both excellent.

The other songs (there are 12 others) are great too. Among my favorites are "Beautiful, Dirty, Rich," "Boys Boys Boys," "Brown Eyes," and "I Like It Rough." But I actually like all the songs. The CD speeds by and it all hangs together in a nice way.

"Brown Eyes" is the softest song and a pretty one. "Boys Boys Boys" is the funnest song, just for the sake of fun. "Beautiful, Dirty, Rich" starts off three songs about money and fame, including also "The Fame" and "Money Honey." Lady Gaga even says she's into "material," so she might be called the New Material Girl. But I hope not.