Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama In Iraq

President Obama is overseas and he made a "surprise visit" to Iraq. I wish I would've predicted that the other day. I didn't think of it, to be honest, but just a little thought would have suggested the likelihood.

Anytime you have a president overseas, the chances that he's going to drop in on the soldiers in Iraq should be a given.

Remember that time that Obama was overseas and he didn't go visit the troops because the Defense department said he shouldn't? He was reamed out royally by that by McCain, who also, by the way, reportedly had a companion ad to ream him out royally if he did go visit them. It's kind of one of those selective outrage things that liars like to do.

Well, suck on this, McCain. Now he's president and he can visit or not visit any old way he sees fit. It's nice to have power, huh? To have the Bush criminals out of the way who were using the Defense department in a political way in those terrible years.

Bush started this "surprise visit" stuff to Iraq. But every time he did it, it was for Bush's advantage. The guy didn't care a bit about the troops. It's nice to see Obama over there though. Finally someone we can trust.