Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's The Laziest Color?

The laziest color in relation to what?

Like for a background color. Maybe light brown. Light brown seems like the biggest hillbilly color. It's rustic, like the wall of an old cabin. It's the oldest color, like in making pictures look antique, sepia. It's the color that makes you most tired, just because it's so down home. An easy chair often has a light brown frame. The chairs in an old cabin become light brown.

Green is a big color these days but it's not lazy. The whole environmental thing. Everyone wants to "Save the Earth" for some unknown reason. I guess so we'll have a place to live. It might be a big rip off, though -- who knows? Because I'm halfway afraid to trust big companies who want to "Go Green." I think I could tear off the mask and see the executives cackling with delight. While out in back the devil laughs as their sewage floods the world.

I do what I can to not go out of my way to muck up the planet. But I don't run around crowing about how "green" I am.

We've had a lot of blue skies. But you have to get out and enjoy it, because it gets dark every night. Can't make up its fool mind.