Friday, April 24, 2009

Father's Day 1990

I needed to find out a while ago what the actual date for Father's Day was.

I was going through some old records that I'm transferring from paper to the computer and I had two different dates in there for Father's Day that year. June 13 and June 17.

Well, thank goodness for the internet. You might not think it'd be a useful site that someone has to find out when the various holidays were observed in any given year. But it does come in handy in those rare cases when someone needs to know.

I wonder how many hits a site like that gets. It's good information to be able to find.

Of course I could've looked it up in an almanac. Get one of those perpetual calendars. We used to look at those all the time in school, like in the library. Look up the day we were born, etc.