Monday, April 20, 2009

My One Book

The one book I bought at the book sale the other day, I'm actually reading from.

It is "The Complete Poems of Sir Walter Scott," and like I said somewhere, I started reading "The Lady of the Lake." I made it through the first canto (out of 6). Then this morning, guess what, I finished the second. So this is great progress.

I'm glad I read the synopsis at Wikipedia, because I might have gotten a little lost in some of the obscurity of what's going on. For instance, I wouldn't have guessed that James Fitz-James (I think his name is) is the king (incognito) that everyone's very ambivalent about. And some are opposing.

And calling people by names like "The Douglas" and "The Graeme" doesn't come natural to me, but I'm starting to get it.